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NAMI-Warren County wants you to remain healthy, safe and calm during this season of national health concerns. We will follow the guidelines recommended by NAMI NJ and the State of New Jersey.​


How you can protect yourself and others from the spread of coronavirus or any other respiratory disease:

– Wash your hands, often and for at least 20 seconds (sing Happy Birthday!)

– Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

– Get your flu vaccine if you have not already.

– Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

– Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.

– Cover any cough or sneeze with a tissue then throw it in the trash or use the inside of your elbow.

– Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

– Make sure you have the recommended foods, drinks, medications, and pet supplies needed to quarantine yourself for a few weeks.


Ways to Avoid Headline Anxiety and to Cope with the News:

1. Avoid triggering topics in the news.

2. Limit your news consumption.

3. Be cognizant of your social media use.

4. Practice good stress management.

5. Understand that it is normal to be somewhat concerned by this.

With the Relaxing of Restrictions:
How Safely To Expand One’s Social Pod

       The social indicators suggest we may be approaching the end of the COVID-19 crisis.  In many ways the public policy response to the pandemic has threatened and put at risk our national mental health and economic well-being. During the global outbreak of the SARS-COV-2 virus, there is no question COVID-19 has manifested a portfolio of symptoms unique to itself. It is important to realize however, that science is not a dogma; it is a process. With this understanding, pursuing the correct process will help mitigate fear.


During this transition how then should we, as individuals, move forward?

Resources to help you.

Rutgers University offers COVID Connect Entity to provide support to the community during this challenge time. 

For individuals seeking mental health and substance uses services as a result of COVID-19. Therapeutic services are provided through telehealth only.


See the YouTube video about the progarm:


NAMI - Warren County, NJ

A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

An Affiliate of NAMI NJ and

NAMI National

NAMI Warren County (NJ) is a legal entity separate and distinct from NAMI Inc. 



Mailing Address:

201 Strykers Road, Suite 19 #224
Phillipsburg, NJ  08865

Call Us:

24 Hour Crisis Line


© 2020 by NAMI-Warren County, NJ Proudly created with

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